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Tornado Safety Tips. How to Survive Tornados

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There are many things you can do to help your family weather a tornado. A few basic tornado safety tips can help you prepare your family for what may be in store from a tornado.

Find safe shelter locations and talk to your family about your emergency plans. This could be at your workplace, home, school, shop, mall, or public building.

At home: Find a space in your house lower than the floor that you are currently on. This could be the basement, or another interior room. You should put as many walls as you can between your home and the outside. Also, make sure that there aren't any windows in your vicinity.

In public places: Locate a central area of the structure that is far from windows. This could be the front of any church or public building. From there, crouch down with your arms over your head. If you are in a large shopping mall or store, find an interior bathroom or storage room that is away from windows and hunker down as close to the ground as possible.

texas wilderness

On the road: If a tornado is spotted on weather radar, pull over and seek shelter in a sturdy building. If that is not possible, you should get in a ditch area or low-lying place and cover your head with your arms.

Avoid trees and vehicles when you're outside. They might be blown around and hit your face in a storm. During strong winds, mobile homes are especially vulnerable and should be evacuated when the weather forecast calls for them to be subject to strong winds.

If you are in an office building, factory, or other commercial establishment, look for the lower floors' interior hallways. These areas provide protection from flying debris and strong winds. This could be an internal hallway, a cupboard or a restroom.

Apartments at high-rise buildings. If you are living in an apartment, choose a spot in the hall that is on a lower floor, such as a hallway, or stairwell. If you are unable to get to the lower levels, try an interior hallway with no windows or small closet.

Open doors and windows frames in offices are dangerous. You should also avoid the upper floors in tall buildings such as apartment buildings or office buildings. Instead, find shelter in an interior hallway, which is lower than a window.

rattlesnake bite first aid wilderness

In a school/public building: Use an interior hallway located on the lowest floors or in a designated shelter area.

If you are on the road, try to avoid highway overpasses and bridges, which can channel wind and increase the risk of a tornado. If you are caught in a vehicle during a tornado, move away from the direction of the storm at a safe distance and lie down on the side of the road. To protect your face and from lightning strikes, cover your head by wrapping your arms around your neck.


Why are survival skills essential?

Basic survival skills include knowing how to protect yourself, make fire, build shelter, hunt, and fish. These skills are critical no matter where one lives, but they are especially important when travelling alone or in remote regions.

Other survival skills include navigation, self-defense and wilderness medicine. They are essential life-saving tools that should always be available before venturing into unknown territory.

In addition to these basic skills, many other valuable skills could prove useful while you are away from home. If you want to spend your vacation hiking, learn about mountaineering. If you intend to camp in deserts, learn how extreme temperatures can be beaten. There are countless ways to prepare for any situation, so don't hesitate to think outside the box and consider learning new skills.

What are the basic skills for survival in the wild?

It is essential to be able to make a fire, especially if you are living off the ground. It's more than lighting a match. You must also learn how to make a fire with friction and flint. Also, you need to be able to avoid being burned by the flames.

It's important to learn how to make shelter with natural materials like leaves, grasses, trees, etc. To keep warm at night, you'll need to be able to use these materials in the best way. You should also know how much water your body needs to survive.

Other Survival Skills

Although they can help you survive, they are not as essential as knowing how to light an open fire. Although you can eat many different types of plants and animals, if your fire is not lit, you will be unable to cook them.

Also, you will need to be able to identify edible and non-edible food sources. This knowledge is crucial to avoid becoming sick or starving.

What is the most crucial survival tool for you if you're lost?

The compass will tell you which direction north is. It also tells us how far we've traveled since our beginning point. The compass won't always show you the correct direction if you travel to mountains. If you are on a flat plain, however, the compass will most likely give you all you need.

You could also use a rock or a tree as a reference point if you don't own a compass. You would still need to find a landmark to orient yourself by, but at least you'd know which direction was north.

How to remain calm and composed in a survival situation

In most situations, patience and calmness will be your best friends. It's easy for people to panic in survival situations, especially when they are far from civilization. But staying calm and patient will allow you to deal with whatever happens.

It's important to remember that you cannot change the outcome of a situation. You only have control of how you react. In this way, you can still feel good about yourself even though you didn't accomplish everything you wanted to.

When you are in a survival situation, you must remain calm and collected. This includes being mentally and physically ready.

Mental preparation means having a clear goal and realistic expectations.

Physical preparation refers to making sure you have enough water and food until rescue personnel arrive.

Once you have done both of these things, you are free to relax and just enjoy the experience.

Which is the most crucial tool for survival

Sharp knives are the best tool for survival. It is not enough to just have any knife. You will not be able to use it correctly if it isn't.

A knife without its blade is useless. A knife with a dull blade is dangerous.

Master craftsmen are skilled in making the best knives. They take great pride in their workmanship and ensure each knife is perfect.

They keep their blades clean and sharpen them regularly.

It is important to feel the knife in your hand before buying it. You should feel comfortable holding it.

You should not notice any marks on the handle.

Ask the seller to repair any such defects if you find them. Accept a knife you don't like in your hands.

Why are knot-tying skills so vital for survival?

Knots are used by people all over the world to tie together items such as ropes, fishing lines, ladders, etc. They are also used for other purposes, such as tying bags shut or securing items to trees. It is a vital skill that can save lives if you have to tie yourself to a tree rope or string or use them as a shelter.


  • so you can be 100 percent hands-free, and there's less chance you'll put your torch down and lose it. (nymag.com)
  • Not only does it kill up to 99.9% of all waterborne bacteria and parasites, but it will filter up to 1,000 liters of water without the use of chemicals. (hiconsumption.com)
  • We know you're not always going to be 100% prepared for the situations that befall you, but you can still try and do your best to mitigate the worst circumstances by preparing for a number of contingencies. (hiconsumption.com)
  • The downside to this type of shelter is that it does not generally offer 360 degrees of protection and unless you are diligent in your build or have some kind of tarp or trash bags, it will likely not be very resistant to water. (hiconsumption.com)

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How To

How to Build a Lean To Shelter

There are many types of lean tos in the United States. These structures are made mostly from wood or metal poles that are covered with tarps, canvas, sheeting or corrugated roofing material. The walls, floor and ceiling are often built first. After that, the roof is added.

A lean to is a temporary shelter that can be built at the side or roof of a building in case the weather doesn't permit permanent shelter. You may also call it a "lean to shed", "lean–to cabin," or "lean–to house".

There are many types and styles of lean-tos.

  1. A simple wooden frame covered in tarpaulin. This type lean-to can be found in rural areas.
  2. A lean to tent that consists of a framework made of poles and supporting a Tarpaulin.
  3. A lean to cabin, also known by the "cabin-on frame", is a structure that consists of a platform supported on beams and posts.
  4. A leanto shed, also known under the name "shelter–on–a-pole" or “paddock shed”, is made of a frame of poles supported by a cover.
  5. A lean-to garage also called a "garage-on-stilts" or "overhang," consists of a steel framework resting on concrete stilts.
  6. A lean-to studio, also called a "studio-on-a-frame" or "studio-on-a-post," consists of a framework made up of two parallel horizontal members (posts) and one perpendicular member (beam).
  7. A lean-to greenhouse, also called a "greenhouse-on-a-post," consists of three parallel horizontal members (posts), one perpendicular member (beam), and a canopy.


Tornado Safety Tips. How to Survive Tornados